- Electrical engineering assessment - ONR-NR-AR-21-001
- Mechanical engineering assessment - ONR-NR-AR-21-003
- External hazards assessment - ONR-NR-AR-21-005
- Civil engineering assessment - ONR-NR-AR-21-006
- Conventional health and safety and life fire safety assessment - ONR-NR-AR-21-007
- Assessment of the safety case delivery strategy (SC1) - ONR-NR-AR-21-008
- Site activities and licence compliance - ONR-NR-AR-21-009
- Organisational capability assessment - ONR-NR-AR-21-010
- Licensing and legal assessment - ONR-NR-AR-21-011
- Internal hazards assessment - ONR-NR-AR-21-035
- Management of nuclear matter and liabilities (SLC5) - ONR-NR-AR-21-037
- Security arrangements assessment - ONR-CNSS-AN-22-002