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Heysham 2 - Inspection ID: 53344

Executive summary

Date(s) of inspection: August 2024

Aim of inspection

This inspection reviewed LC7 'Incidents on the site' arrangements at EDF Energy NGL Heysham 2 power station. The inspection covered the raising of condition reports, sentencing and reporting to ONR, actions raised, the closing of actions and trending.

Subject(s) of inspection

  • LC7 - Incidents on the site - Rating: Green

Key findings, inspector's opinions and reasons for judgement made

The station follows the fleet arrangements for the reporting of events to ONR. These arrangements generally meet ONR expectations contained in ONR guidance NS-INSP-GD-007 but there are minor ambiguities and anomalies that I will ensure are discussed with the fleet process owner.

The reporting culture on the station is adequate and this is reflected in the Key Performance Indicators (KPIs)

The actions following investigations aimed at addressing reoccurrence. The more significant investigations identify and action root causes. There were minor shortfalls and observations with respect to the quality and priority given to some actions however I was satisfied that this only impacted the efficiency of the process. The close out of the most significant actions is subject to oversight and challenge and I am satisfied that this provides good oversight.

The station is making a conscious effort to be more proactive and less reactive in the area of performance improvement and has made changes to the meeting structures.

Trending was discussed and some good examples of trending and learning in specific areas were observed.


Based on my sample, I have rated the LC7 compliance inspection at Heysham 2 as GREEN –meaning that no significant issues were raised. There were minor observations and advice given to the station who have raised condition reports to address. I also found minor ambiguities and anomalies in the reporting guidance. I will ensure this is discussed with the fleet process owner.