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Dungeness B - Inspection ID: 53371

Executive summary

Date(s) of inspection: July 2024

Aim of inspection

The aim of this intervention was to confirm that the site boundary is adequately marked and maintained. In addition, this intervention will aim to confirm that EDF Energy NGL Dungeness B is appropriately updating its site plan to reflect any changes on site and has furnished updated plans as required to ONR

Subject(s) of inspection

  • LC2 - Marking of the site boundary - Rating: Green
  • LC16 - Site plans, designs and specifications - Rating: Green

Key findings, inspector's opinions and reasons for judgement made

LC 2 requires that the licensee shall “mark the boundaries of the site by fences or other appropriate means and any such fences or other means shall be appropriately maintained”

LC 16 requires that the licensee shall “if any changes are made on the site which may affect the safety of said buildings, plant or operations, the licensee shall forthwith send an amended site plan and schedule to ONR incorporating these changes”

We confirmed that the site boundary is being adequately marked and maintained. In addition, this intervention confirmed that Dungeness B (DNB) is appropriately updating its site plan to reflect any changes on site and has furnished updated plans as required to ONR. This was a half day rated inspection and included a full walkdown of the DNB licensed site boundary.

Overall DNB has appropriately marked its site boundary and fences which are generally in good condition. There were a number of minor anomalies regarding marking of the site boundary the more significant of which Dungeness B promptly addressed.

DNB is maintaining an appropriate site plan and has provided ONR with the latest revision.


I judged that an inspection rating of Green (no formal action) for LC2 and LC16 is appropriate since DNB was able to demonstrate that it is adequately marking the site boundary and maintaining an associated site plan which has been provided to ONR in accordance regulatory requirements. There were a number of observations and minor improvement areas identified which I do not consider to affect the overall awarding of a Green rating and none are so significant as to warrant a regulatory issue being raised.