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Capenhurst Works (UUK) - Inspection ID: 53407

Executive summary

Date(s) of inspection: May 2024

Aim of inspection

Work undertaken in support of PR-01560 identified that suitable and sufficient radiation risk assessments were not undertaken by the carriers appointed by Urenco UK Ltd (UUK) and that suitable transport emergency arrangements were not made, in contravention of the requirements of ADR and hence Regulation 5 of The Carriage of Dangerous Goods and Use of Transportable Pressure Equipment Regulations 2009 (as amended) (CDG09). We issued improvement notice ONR-IN-23-009 to UUK on 29 February 2024. The scope of the improvement notice and the actions required by UUK were specified in the accompanying letter.
This inspection aims to ensure that the dutyholder has undertaken the necessary actions to ensure compliance with the improvement notice before the 31/5/24 deadline.

Subject(s) of inspection

  • Transport - Consignor Duties - Rating: Green
  • Transport - Emergency/Contingency Planning and Testing - Rating: Not rated
  • Transport - Management Systems - Rating: Green
  • Transport - Radiation Risk Assessment - Rating: Not rated
  • Transport - Training and Competence - Rating: Not rated

Key findings, inspector's opinions and reasons for judgement made

The inspectors completed a targeted inspection of the dutyholder's progress in reviewing and revising where necessary their management system for the transport of Class 7 dangerous goods to/from the Capenhurst site to ensure compliance with the requirements of ADR and hence CDG09, as required by improvement notice ONR-IN-23-009.
The inspectors identified examples of the dutyholder meeting relevant good practice in the review/revision of their transport management system, arrangements for transport planning and cooperation with other transport dutyholders in the sharing of relevant information.
The inspectors concluded that the dutyholder had implemented improved arrangements within its transport management system as required by improvement notice ONR-IN-23-009 and that subject to:
(i) our confirmation of no outstanding issues from completing our review of the management system documents after the inspection; and
(ii) satisfactory resolution of one issue by the dutyholder after the inspection;
the improvement notice should be closed.


The inspectors concluded that the dutyholder had implemented improved arrangements within its transport management system to ensure compliance with the requirements of ADR
The inspectors identified one minor shortfall in the dutyholder's arrangements for the sharing of certificates of approval with all carriers as required by ADR and that this should be resolved prior to closure of the improvement notice.