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Heysham 2 - Inspection ID: 52968

Executive summary

Date(s) of inspection: March 2024

Aim of inspection

This inspection is targeted at testing how the licensee is managing the risks of workplace transport at Heysham 2. HSE publications HSG 136 'a guide to workplace transport safety' and HSG 144 'safe use of vehicles on construction sites' will be used as the benchmark relevant good practices to determine how risks associated with workplace transport are managed to as low as reasonably practicable (ALARP), in particular how risks to pedestrians from vehicles on the licenced site are managed.

Subject(s) of inspection

  • Workplace Transport - Rating: Green

Key findings, inspector's opinions and reasons for judgement made

We carried out a workplace transport inspection as planned at Heysham B on 13 March 2024. The Workplace (Health, Safety and Welfare) Regulations 1992 require every workplace to be organised in such a way that pedestrians and vehicles can circulate in a safe manner. The aim of the inspection was to test the site's arrangements against the requirement of the legislation and the relevant good practice ‘HSG 136 – A guide to workplace transport safety’. We targeted four areas: safe site – design, safe site – activity, safe vehicle, and safe driver.

The Inspection consisted of an office based discussion followed by a site walk-down. The licensee has demonstrated it had arrangements and dedicated personnel in place to manage workplace transport, although we noted several improvements would be required to meet the relevant good practice, the licensee has started to develop a plan to implement most of those improvements. There was limited traffic movement during the walk-down, however we observed a few minor shortfalls. We also reviewed documented arrangements and records before and after the inspection to support our judgement


Based on the activities that we sampled during this inspection, we rated this inspection Green with minor improvements required.

We identified several shortfalls against our regulatory expectation. However, we took into consideration that the licensee has immediate plans to review their arrangements, which would address some of the medium to longer term shortfalls such as out of date risk assessments and transport plans. The licensee's personnel have demonstrated high levels of commitment to drive improvements, and they were able to address some of the immediate shortfalls as we progressed through this inspection. We raised a minor(Level 4) Regulatory Issue (RI-12046) to track the licensee's progress to address the findings of this inspection.