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Hartlepool - Inspection ID: 52675

Executive summary

Date(s) of inspection: December 2023

Aim of inspection

Licence condition compliance inspections are an essential element of ONR’s intervention strategy for the operating reactor fleet. The aim of this inspection is to test EDF Nuclear Generation Ltd (NGL’s) compliance with Licence Condition 36 (Organisational Capability) at Hartlepool nuclear power station

Subject(s) of inspection

  • LC36 - Organisational capability - Rating: Green

Key findings, inspector's opinions and reasons for judgement made

Overall the station was able to demonstrate adequate management of organisational capability against the requirements of Licence Condition 36.  Over the past year the station has recovered its overall resource position to the baseline level expected of an operating station.  Alongside this, the station has focussed on longer term succession planning which it expects to complete early in 2024 by validating the plans against career conversations with staff.  The station has been able to manage the additional training commitments arising from the influx of new staff and is taking action to address an overall shortfall in training compliance.

The two departments we sampled were able to demonstrate adequate management of organisational capability through use of bespoke tools to identify and address vulnerabilities.  The station also completes a quarterly Organisational Capability Risk Assessment but I noted that the analysis was incomplete.  This relates to an existing fleet-wide shortfall and associated improvement plan, which ONR is tracking through Level 3 regulatory issue RI-10695 and maintaining oversight at corporate level. As a result of this inspection, I will review the R/A/G status of this regulatory issue and determine whether any additional actions are needed and/or a new regulatory issue needs to be raised at station level.

In the Technical Safety and Support department I noted that the station is taking action to mitigate a significant loss of capability in its Nuclear Safety Group in 2022.  This vulnerability is due to be fully rectified by 2025 but I noted that the station’s action plan only extends to the end of 2023.  Again I will follow-up on this matter through a Level 4 regulatory issue to ensure that there is an adequate mitigation plan in place for this vulnerability.


Overall I was satisfied that there are no significant shortfalls in the station’s management of organisational capability against the requirements of Licence Condition 36 and that the station has been on an improving path since the ‘Amber’ rated inspection in 2021. I have therefore rated the inspection ‘Green’ (no formal action required).  In coming to this conclusion I have noted NGL’s ongoing fleet-wide improvement plan on organisational capability which ONR is tracking through existing regulatory issues.  I will follow-up on the matters identified in the inspection findings above.