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Wylfa – Inspection ID: 51897

Executive summary

Date(s) of inspection:

  • November 2022

Aim of inspection

In accordance with the Office for Nuclear Regulation’s (ONR’s) Strategy, each year ONR performs a series of planned compliance inspections. The aim of this inspection was to inspect Magnox Limited's compliance with LC26 (Control and Supervision of operations) and Construction (Design and Management) Regulations 2015 requirements at its Wylfa site.

Subject(s) of inspection

  • Asbestos (Duty to Manage) - Rating - Green
  • CDM 15 (Client / PD / PC duties) - Not rated
  • LC26 - Control and supervision of operations - Rating - Green

Key Findings, Inspector's Opinions and Reasons for Judgement Made

This report records the findings of my inspection at Magnox Limited's (Magnox's) Wylfa site. Prior to the inspection I examined information provided by Magnox. During the inspection, I spoke with workers on site, including those employed by Magnox and contractor companies. I sampled relevant documents and records, undertook walkdowns at the locations of the two projects (Turbine Hall deaerator asbestos removal and CO2 plant demolition) including the contractor welfare facilities. LC26 Control and Supervision of Operations - For this LC26 inspection I targeted the contractors' delivering activities on behalf of Wylfa and the oversight they are given by Wylfa. I judged the rating to be GREEN (no formal action) for this topic. Construction (Design and Management) Regulations 2015 (CDM 2015) - I consider there was insufficient evidence to rate this aspect of the inspection. Control of Asbestos Regulations 2012 (CAR 2012) - I judged the rating to be Green (no formal action) for this topic.


LC26 Control and Supervision of Operations - I was satisfied that Wylfa is implementing its LC26 arrangements, and noted that Wylfa has addressed my previous inspection comment concerning tracking to closure any actions raised by Wylfa during a contractor audit. I am satisfied that this inspection merits an IIS rating Green (no formal action) against LC26. Construction (Design and Management) Regulations 2015 (CDM 2015) - Whilst some good practices were observed, there was insufficient time to cover the design considerations for the two projects in the pre-implementation stage and there was no significant work activities being undertaken during the walk-down of these two project sites, therefore I consider there was insufficient evidence to rate this aspect of the inspection. Control of Asbestos Regulations 2012 (CAR 2012) - Based on the sample, I am content that Magnox's arrangements to manage the asbestos containing materials at Wylfa site is adequate to warrant an inspection rating of Green (no formal action).

Crynodeb gweithredol

Pwrpas yr Arolygiad

Yn unol â Strategaeth y Swyddfa Rheoleiddio Niwclear, mae’r Swyddfa Rheoleiddio Niwclear yn cynnal cyfres o arolygiadau cydymffurfio wedi’u trefnu bob blwyddyn. Nod yr arolygiad hwn oedd edrych ar gydymffurfiad Magnox Limited â LC26 (Rheoli a Goruchwylio gweithrediadau) a Rheoliadau Adeiladu (Dylunio a Rheoli) 2015 ar ei safle yn Wylfa.

Pwnc/Pynciau’r Arolygiad

Roedd y gweithgareddau canlynol yn destun yr arolygiad hwn
  • LC26 – Rheoli a goruchwylio gweithrediadau - Gwyrdd
  • CDM 15 (Dyletswyddau cleient / PD / PC) - Heb ei Sgorio
  • Asbestos (Dyletswydd i Reoli) - Gwyrdd
Prif Ganfyddiadau Mae’r adroddiad hwn yn cofnodi canfyddiadau fy arolygiad ar safle Magnox Limited (Magnox) yn Wylfa. Cyn yr arolygiad, bûm yn astudio gwybodaeth a ddarparwyd gan Magnox. Yn ystod yr arolygiad, roeddwn i wedi siarad â gweithwyr ar y safle, gan gynnwys y rheini a gyflogir gan Magnox a chwmnïau contractwyr. Roeddwn i wedi samplo dogfennau a chofnodion perthnasol, wedi cynnal arolygiadau ar droed yn lleoliadau’r ddau brosiect (tynnu asbestos yn Neuadd y Tyrbin drwy ddatawyru a dymchwel offer CO2) gan gynnwys cyfleusterau lles contractwyr. - LC 26 Rheoli a Goruchwylio Gweithrediadau Ar gyfer yr arolygiad LC26 hwn, roeddwn i wedi targedu gweithgareddau danfon y contractwyr ar ran Wylfa a’r oruchwyliaeth y mae Wylfa yn ei rhoi iddynt. Roeddwn o’r farn y dylid dyfarnu sgôr GWYRDD (dim camau ffurfiol) ar gyfer y pwnc hwn. - Rheoliadau Adeiladu (Dylunio a Rheoli) 2015 (CDM 2015) Rydw i o’r farn nad oedd digon o dystiolaeth i roi sgôr i’r agwedd hon ar yr arolygiad. - Rheoliadau Rheoli Asbestos 2012 (CAR 2012) Roeddwn i o’r farn y dylid dyfarnu sgôr GWYRDD (dim camau ffurfiol) ar gyfer y pwnc hwn.

Dyfarniadau a wnaed

- LC 26 Rheoli a Goruchwylio Gweithrediadau Roeddwn yn fodlon bod Wylfa yn rhoi ei drefniadau LC26 ar waith, a nodais fod Wylfa wedi mynd i’r afael â sylw roeddwn i wedi’i wneud ar ôl yr arolygiad blaenorol ynghylch olrhain unrhyw gamau a godwyd gan Wylfa yn ystod archwiliad contractwyr a’u dirwyn i ben. Rydw i’n fodlon bod yr arolygiad hwn yn haeddu sgôr IIS gwyrdd (dim camau ffurfiol) yn erbyn LC26. - Rheoliadau Adeiladu (Dylunio a Rheoli) 2015 (CDM 2015) Er imi weld rhai arferion da, nid oedd digon o amser i ymdrin â’r ystyriaethau dylunio ar gyfer y ddau brosiect yn y cam cyn gweithredu ac nid oedd dim gwaith sylweddol yn cael ei wneud yn ystod yr arolygiad ar droed o'r ddau safle prosiect hyn, felly rwyf o’r farn nad oedd digon o dystiolaeth i roi sgôr i’r agwedd hon ar yr arolygiad. - Rheoliadau Rheoli Asbestos 2012 (CAR 2012) Ar sail y sampl, rwy’n fodlon bod trefniadau Magnox i reoli’r deunyddiau sy’n cynnwys asbestos ar safle Wylfa yn ddigonol i gyfiawnhau sgôr arolygu GWYRDD (dim camau ffurfiol).