Reports related to decision to grant licence
The Office for Nuclear Regulation (ONR) has published all of its assessment reports in relation to granting a nuclear site licence to NNB Generation Company (NNB GenCo) for its proposed site at Hinkley Point C in Somerset.
All the reports are produced below including a project assessment report, four 'cornerstone' reports and 36 additional assessment reports. They provide detail of how and why ONR reached its decision to grant a nuclear site licence.
- Licence condition arrangements
- Licensing and legal assessment report
- Organisational capability arrangements work streams 12 to 15
- Management systems
- LC6 Compliance arrangements
- LC14 Report for licensing
- LC3 Restriction on dealing with the site
- LC16 Site plans, designs and specifications
- Site Evaluation (Demographics) addendum to assessment AR12-005
- LC02 Marking of the site boundary
- LC11 Emergency arrangements
- Civil Engineering
- Arrangements for the organisational learning and the notification of incidents
- LC19 Construction or installation of new plant
- LC20 Modification to design of plant under construction
- Nuclear steam supply system - procurement compliance arrangements
- Nuclear steam supply system manufacturing inspection arrangements
- Security
- International safeguards arrangements for the proposed Hinkley Point C facility
- Assessment of NNB GenCo procedures for instructions to persons on the site
- LC10 Training compliance arrangements
- LC18 work stream assessment
- Control and instrumentation (C&I)
- Electrical engineering assessment
- Fuel and core, and spent fuel storage
- Reactor chemistry
- Human factors
- LC12 Duly authorised and other suitably qualified and experienced persons compliance arrangements
- LC 36 Organisational capability compliance arrangements
- Radwaste and decommissioning
- LC21 Commissioning
- Internal hazards
- Probabilistic safety analysis (PSA)
- Safety categorisation and classification
- Fault studies and severe accident analysis
- Approval under licence Condition 13(2) of Hinkley Point C Nuclear Safety Committee Terms of Reference
- Approval under Licence Condition 13(3) of Amended Hinkley Point C Nuclear Safety Committee Terms of Reference
- Approval under Licence Condition 13(11) of Hinkley Point C Nuclear Safety Committee Terms of Reference
- NNB Genco: Hinkley Point C Safety Report Assessment Report for Licensing
Assessment of Pre-Construction Safety Report
The Office for Nuclear Regulation (ONR) has published its assessment reports in relation to the assessment of a Pre-Construction Safety Report ("HPC PCSR 2012") submitted by NNB GenCorp for the Hinkley Point C licensed site in Somerset. The reports are produced below.
They include 19 individual reports plus a summary report. The summary report concludes that HPC PCSR 2012 is a significant step forwards towards producing a final PCSR for Hinkley Point C. Progress to date is consistent with ONR's expectations for this project. The next revision of the HPC PCSR will fully integrate the site-specific information with the final GDA PCSR generic material and other design changes arising from experience gained at Flamanville 3.
- ONR-CNRP-AR-13-106 - Summary Assessment Report
- ONR-CNRP-AR-13-053 - Fault studies
- ONR-CNRP-AR-13-074 - Structural integrity
- ONR-CNRP-AR-13-076 - Fuel and core
- ONR-CNRP-AR-13-078 - Human factors
- ONR-CNRP-AR-13-080 - Civil engineering
- ONR-CNRP-AR-13-082 - Spent fuel and storage
- ONR-CNRP-AR-13-084 - PSA
- ONR-CNRP-AR-13-085 - Reactor chemistry
- ONR-CNRP-AR-13-088 - Internal hazards
- ONR-CNRP-AR-13-089 - Severe accidents
- ONR-CNRP-AR-13-093 - Essential electrical
- ONR-CNRP-AR-13-094 - Radioactive waste and decommissioning
- ONR-CNRP-AR-13-099 - Integrated management systems
- ONR-CNRP-AR-13-100 - Radiation protection
- ONR-CNRP-AR-13-101 - Equipment qualification work stream (B3)
- ONR-CNRP-AR-13-102 - Plant operations
- ONR-CNRP-AR-13-103 - Control and instrumentation
- ONR-CNRP-AR-13-108 - External hazards
- ONR-CNRP-AR-13-109 - Plant commissioning work stream (C11)
- ONR-CNRP-AR-14-077 - Mechanical engineering
Progress reports
- ONR-NNB-PR-14-033 - First Project Convergence Point at Hinkley Point C - Progress Report for Security Work Stream A0
- ONR-CNRP-PR-14-034 - First Convergence Point at Hinkley Point C - Summary Progress Report for the Design and Safety Case Cornerstone
- ONR-CNRP-PR-14-035 - First Project Convergence Point at ~ Progress Report for Licence Compliance cornerstone
- ONR-NNB-PR-14-036 - First Project Convergence Point at Hinkley Point C - Progress Report for Organisational Capability
- ONR-CNRP-PR-14-044 - First Project Convergence Point at Hinkley Point C - Summary Progress Report
Permissioning reports
- ONR Assessment of a Request by NNB GenCo (HPC) Ltd for Consent to Commence First Nuclear Safety Concrete at Hinkley Point C (March 2017)
- ONR assessment of a request by NNB GenCo (HPC) Ltd for Agreement to commence the start of the Pumping Station at Hinkley Point C (July 2018)
- ONR assessment of a request by NNB GenCo (HPC) Ltd for Consent to commence unit 1 nuclear island concrete (November 2018
- Specification under arrangements made under Licence Condition 19(1): Hold Point 2.2.20 - Start of First bulk Mechanical, Electrical and HVAC (MEH) activity [in the Nuclear Island] at Hinkley Point C Unit 1