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Planning application consultations

Date released
17 September 2024
Request number
Release of information under
Freedom of Information Act 2000 (FOIA)

Information requested

  1. How many planning application consultations and pre-application enquiries did you respond to in total in a) 2021-22, b) 2022-23, and c) 2023-24?
  2. How many planning application consultations and pre-application enquiries did you respond to within the statutory 21 days in a) 2021-22, b) 2022-23, and c) 2023-24?
  3. How many extensions for responses to planning application consultations and pre-applications enquiries were agreed in a) 2021-22, b) 2022-23, and c) 2023-24?
  4. How many planning application consultations and pre-application enquiries did you respond to within the statutory 21 days or such other period agreed in writing e.g. within an agreed extension time, in a) 2021-22, b) 2022-23, and c) 2023-24?
  5. What was the average response time, in days, for your responses to planning application consultations and pre-application enquiries in a) 2021-22, b) 2022-23, and c) 2023-24?

Information released

We confirm that under s.1 of the FOIA, we do not hold the information you have requested. Please see below for our response.

Question 1

We do not hold this information because our record management system does not record the date a consultation was responded to.

Question 2

As above, we do not hold information on how many applications were responded to within the statutory 21 working days as our system does not record the consultation response date.

By way of assistance, the dates we replied to any consultation are held in the public domain on local authority websites.

Question 3

We do not hold information on how many extensions were agreed as this is not a category we record on our record management system.

Question 4

We do not hold information on how many enquiries were responded to within the statutory 21 working days or other such period agreed in writing (i.e. within an agreed extension time) for the reason set out in question 2.

Question 5

We do not hold information on the average response times for the reason set out in question 2.

Further information

Although we do not hold information on the total number of planning application consultations and pre-application enquiries we have responded to, we do hold information on the total number received.

Should you wish to amend your request, please contact us via the email address:, quoting reference: FOI202408039. Any reformulated request will be treated as a new FOI request.

Exemptions applied


PIT (Public Interest Test) if applicable