Nuclear Liabilities Regulation (NLR) is one of ONR’s technical specialisms. It carries out a wide range of activities at site and strategic level relating to the regulation of:
- The management of radioactive waste and radioactive materials, spent nuclear fuel and other nuclear materials;
- The decommissioning of nuclear installations;
- The management of radioactively contaminated land on nuclear sites; and
- Clean-up of nuclear sites to achieve a site end state suitable for delicensing and release from regulatory control.
NLR inspectors assess a range of documentation, including safety submissions concerning the accumulation, processing and storage of radioactive waste and other radioactive and/or nuclear materials, the decommissioning of facilities and the management of radioactively contaminated land on nuclear licensed sites. These assessment activities support ONR’s regulation of continued safe operation of licensed sites, the remediation of legacy wastes and facilities and the construction of new facilities. The NLR specialism also delivers ONR’s statutory responsibility to ensure that the environmental impacts of certain projects to decommission nuclear power stations and other nuclear reactors are assessed appropriately.
NLR inspectors support and/or undertake the permissioning of activities on licensed sites. They also inspect licensees’ compliance with Licence Conditions (LC), a key focus of which are those LCs specifically related to radioactive waste management and decommissioning. NLR inspectors may also take part in themed inspections and targeted interventions focusing on specific aspects of nuclear safety across the nuclear estate.
The long timescales over which radioactive waste management and decommissioning can take place require particular regulatory focus on long term issues, for example, the potential degradation of facilities and stored wastes, and the need to prevent the creation of legacy wastes and facilities. NLR inspectors work closely with the environment agencies on matters of joint interest. There are also opportunities to support the development of ONR guidance and international safety standards, and of UK policy and national strategy. The role entails extensive team working and engagement with a range of internal and external stakeholders.
- Knowledge of the nuclear industry and its regulatory framework, e.g. the nuclear licensing regime, Health & Safety at Work Act, Ionising Radiations Regulations, relevant environmental regulations such as the Environmental Permitting Regulations. Alternatively, knowledge and experience of operating in other high-hazard industries that are subject to close regulatory control such as a safety case regime;
- Extensive knowledge and/or experience relevant to the operation or regulation of facilities managing radioactive waste, undergoing decommissioning or post-operational clean out and the management of radioactively contaminated land;
- A good honours degree, or equivalent, in an appropriate scientific or engineering subject;
- Chartered membership of a relevant professional institution or be able to demonstrate performance and/or experience at an equivalent professional level; and
- Experience of working in responsible positions in the nuclear sector or other high-hazard industry with the ability to demonstrate a sound understanding of the current nuclear industry context and understanding of relevant principles and practices.
How to apply
Please visit our recruitment portal.