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ONR Board expenses for Q2 2018/19

1 July to 30 September 2018

  Nick Baldwin
Non-Executive Directors
(6 in total)
and 1 Co-opted Member
Adriѐnne Kelbie
Chief Executive
Mark Foy
Chief Nuclear Inspector
Sarah High
Finance Director
David Caton
HR Director
Travel £988.80 £911.60 £4,783.33 £3,720.59 £880.90 £515.55
Accommodation and Subsistence £107.83 £1,283.82 £2,245.19 £2,252.14 £1,484.13 £736.33
Other N/A N/A £5.00 £4.13 N/A N/A
Total £1,096.63 £2,195.42 £7,033.52 £5,976.86 £2,365.03 £1,251.88

Individual expenses


  1. Figures relate to expenses incurred during this period, rather than paid.
  2. Figures include both amounts claimed by the individual and amounts paid to third parties for the provision of travel and hotel booking services.
  3. Figures include both taxable and non-taxable payments. All are disclosed as net amounts.